Let me explain and try my hardest not to bore you in the meantime...
Last week I noticed my furnace was set on 72 but it was only reading at 68 degrees. Through out the day the degrees kept falling. As well as the temperature outside. As the afternoon passed and night too, again the degrees in the house kept falling...(im probly saying temp and degrees backwards, but what do you expect from a hillbilly girl like me?) The following morning of course Rick was off to work and still the temp kept falling. I picked up the telephone and called my step dad to ask a few questions as to what on earth could be happening. As he stayed on the phone with me, I grabbed the duct tape and a utility knife (because we all know those two things can fix anything!)I walked him through the house checking ducts, hoses, vents, etc. Ohhhh and filters. (which I couldn't find). So as much as he tried to help me and more than willing to walk me through the process...it was a little hard to do miles away. Rick returned home and found 1 heater duct falling apart, so he duct taped it back up and also found a heat register blowing air into the basement....(like we need heat there?) And found a filter jammed into the furnace...Obviously not the right size!! So as of last night the heating problem was fixed!
This morning I wake up to beautiful heat!.............................AND...............water spraying out of a water line ALL over my bathroom!!! I started flyin around the house looking for shut off valves...and I did find them, however...none for which I needed. I reach for the phone yet again...trying not to drip all over the floor...and called another person to find out where the valve was I needed. As water floods my bathroom floor, I grab the nearest boots I could find..(I'm sure someone will appreciate that =) ) and went downstairs. I finally found the shut off valve and the water ceased. After several hours and a lot of phone calls...I finally got ahold of my landlord to send someone up. (He said he had 5 other furnaces out in 5 other houses...and would get here as soon as he finished those....go figure!) Now that the water line is fixed and my temper has calmed down some...I think I will look into some Bob Vila how-to-tips...or maybe some trick-my-house!
Smile everyone....It's really not that bad!