Friday, September 11, 2009

My new Friend, My new Job, and another Lamb...

I got the opportunity to take pictures at work yesterday. With Miss Pat's permission of course..and her request of a copy! I can honestly say I love my job and I thank God for blessing me yet again as he so many times does!

Sorry about the blur :/


Yesterday I got to reminisce a little. As Pat and I sat outside enjoying the sun, We decided to sing a little. She does have MS and some days her memory isn't what it once was. She wanted me to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with her...and I was reminding her of the lines as she looked at me and giggled. Then I told her I may know a song that she may know...I started singing to her and she looked up at me with a tear in her eye as I sang..."Let Me Call You Sweetheart". She said "No one has ever sang to me before" I replied..."Well I'm here now" as I smiled back at her.
Again...Thank you Jesus for blessing me over and over again!


Sunny said...

Sounds like you are a real blessing to that lady!! I am proud of you, girl! and the neat part is that when we give of ourselves, we too are blessed!

Tina. said...

Awwwwwww! Nice pics!

Rose said...

This is so sweet! And what a blessing you are to Pat! God is sooooo good!!